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Showing posts from May, 2017


ASIAN RESTAURANT SHUT DOWN FOR USING HUMAN MEAT Last night Indian restaraunt owner Rarjan Patel was arreasted for using human meat in his food recipes at his New Cross Restaurant, it is said that a total of 9 Human Body’s were found frozen ready to be processed for meat, Rarjan Patel remains in Custody for further questioning whilst the restaurant has been closed down. source Like this? Share with your friends!


Your Body is ACIDIC. Here are Very SIMPLE WAYS TO ALKALIZE YOUR BODY– AMAZING EFFECTS! Many people who are reading this may have a high acidity level in his or her body. This is due to the typical first world diet of processed foods, refined sugars, and GMOs. However, many people do not know that an acidic body is a breeding ground for cancer, excess weight, pain and many health issues. Fortunately, making your organism more alkaline is very simple and easy. Making alkaline environment is in fact the opposite of acidic environment. Here are 10 simple natural ways that you can practice every day and they will alkalize your organism. At same time you will gain more everyday energy and vitality: 1. The most important thing is to start your day with smile and with a large glass of water with the juice of a freshly-squeezed lemon. Lemons actually have the opposite effect on your body even they may seem acidic. Drink first thing in the morning to flush the system. Another opti...

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Eyes With Your Life?

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Your Eyes With Your Life? Our eyes are our wealth. We always trust what we see even though we can mess things up sometimes. You’ve probably heard that the peripheral vision makes up part of your overall image. Everyone thinks that it’s perfect and can do no wrong, but it’s far from that. The peripheral version could see something that’s not even there. I know this doesn’t sound about right, but I have a proof here that will tell you the whole story. You probably saw it already, and you know what’s going on. Let’s do this. Did you see that? The faces seemed distorted, right? If you don’t know what happened, let me explain it to you. Everything is done by the area of our retina called “the yellow spot.” It contains a pretty significant number of receptors right in the eyeball. They contribute to our vision, and we are allowed to see clearly. It’s widely known as the primary field of vision. The yellow spot covers up to 10% of o...


A 36-year old woman from Michigan has made a crashing entrance into the Guinness Book of World Records yesterday at the Harper University Hospital, by giving birth to her 14th child, all born from different fathers. According to the internationally recognized authority on the cataloguing and verification of world records, Anita Sullivan has just become the first woman in recorded history to conceive children with more than thirteen different men. “I’m extremely proud to have broken a World Record,”  Ms. Sullivan told reporters.  “My mother always told me that I was lazy and worthless, and that I would never accomplish anything in my life. Now, I’ve shown everyone that she was wrong, and that I can even be the best in the world when I put my mind to something. In fact, I’ve just accomplished something that no one had done before!” Anita Sullivan says she’s been unlucky with relationships in the past, ...

3 Methods to Heal Cavities and Have Healthy Teeth

3 Methods to Heal Cavities and Have Healthy Teeth Cavities make your mouth look like you’ve never brushed your teeth. We all strive for the perfect laugh with teeth, opened mouth and everything. Come on. There are times when you want to laugh so hard, but you don’t want to show the damage in your mouth. You can go to your dentist to “brush” it out, but usually, that method is pretty expensive. Let’s leave that as the last option. I want you to try all of these three methods for healing cavities. All of them contain the ingredients you can find in the nearest grocery store or a market for healthy food and products. In a couple of days, you are going to be able to notice the first results. You won’t want to stop there. These methods for cavities don’t have any unknown side effects or something like that. Check again to see if you are intolerant to some of the ingredients. Let’s start: Method #1: Coconut Oil, Clove Oil, Turmeric, and Salt Ingredients: ¼ Tea...

People are Planting Flowers in Potholes Because Cities Aren’t Fixing Them

People are Planting Flowers in Potholes Because Cities Aren’t Fixing Them In cities across the globe, the gripe is the same: potholes take forever to get fixed and many never are. While some guerrilla activists have taken a more  drastic approach , other have chosen a more subtle form of protest: planting flowers in potholes.  Some  argue  (e.g., city officials) it is not only illegal but more dangerous, and go on to say there are proper channels for bringing such issues to the attention of the city. It’s not stopping people from doing so however, and the practice seems to be spreading.  Critics also like to point out that the amount of time people spend planting flowers they probably could have just fixed the pothole themselves. What do you think? Photograph via  Life of Dad Photograph by  Paige Breithart Photograph by  Paige Breithart Photograph by  Paige Breithart Photograph by  Mt Hood S...

This Controversial Beer Ad Is Going Viral And It’ll Leave You Questioning Everything! [Must Watch]

This Controversial Beer Ad Is Going Viral And It’ll Leave You Questioning Everything! Cheers to you Heineken! Everyone should raise a glass to the famous beer company for coming up with a political and controversial ad that’s also a genuinely genius test of one’s humanity, character and ability to change. Heineken’s new #OpenYourWorld campaign is nothing like you’d expect from a traditional beer commercial, there aren’t any scantily clad babes or bros by the pool, and it’s actually real, raw and brilliant! They might have even taken a cue from former President Obama’s “beer summit” during his first term. Heinken’s ad goes further, however, and features people who disagree on issues like climate change, feminism, and transgender rights. Watch how they get to know each other at first and then are shown short videos that reveal their true opinions. Find out if they want to talk about it over a beer… Like this? Share with your friends!


TRANSPORTED TO HOSPITAL AFTER INSERTING A BABY IN HER VAGINA Cincinnati, Ohio | A 31-year old woman was admitted to the University of Cincinnati Medical Center yesterday after the 14-month old toddler she was babysitting got stuck in her vaginal cavity. Latifah Brown called 911 around 9:30 PM last night, reporting that she had a baby stuck in her vagina. The operator first assumed that she was giving birth at home and dispatched an ambulance to the site. The paramedics had quite a surprise when they arrived on the site and saw what was actually happening. One of the paramedics, Brian Whitmore, related the incident in an interview with WBNS-10 TV. “The little boy wore a diaper and pyjamas, but he had his legs and abdomen stuck in the woman’s vagina.” The paramedics spent more than an hour on the site trying to release the child from his difficult position but were unable to get the toddler out. “I don’t know how she got the child in there! W...

The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good

The 7 most dangerous vaccines injected into humans and exactly why they cause more harm than good Oh, the theory of vaccines sounds great. Inject a tiny bit of the live virus into your blood so you can build antibodies and thus immunity against the “real deal” later. If that’s all there was to it, it could actually work. Then there’s the fear mongering that’s thoroughly “inflamed” and propagated by the press, pharma, and the medical doctors of quack Western medicine. This is where the real money is made. If you get measles you could die! If you get polio you’ll surely be paralyzed for life! If you get   Zika , your baby’s head will be shrunken and deformed! Yet, what if you found out today that the worst odds you or your children have of being infected with disease, disorder, and deformity exist in getting injected repeatedly with neurotoxins,  genetically modified bacteria , live experimental strains of multiple viruses and pesticides? Consider this: not one sin...

Study: Manuka honey kills more bacteria than all available antibiotics

Study: Manuka honey kills more bacteria than all available antibiotics Not all honey is created equal. While the benefits of   raw, unprocessed honey   have been well-documented over the centuries, Australian researchers have found one type of honey, called Manuka honey, to be better than all known antibiotics. Manuka honey is produced by bees that forage on the nectar of  Leptospermum Scoparium , or New Zealand’s Manuka bush, as well as tea trees, native to Australia and New Zealand only. This remarkable type of honey not only effectively kills bacteria, but none of the bugs killed by it have been able to build up immunity. In a world where many of the last resort antibiotics are failing against antibiotic-resistant superbugs, Manuka honey may hold the key to fighting resistance issues, saving thousands of lives worldwide. Manuka honey fights superbugs Dr. Dee Carter from the University of Sydney’s School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences note...