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22-Year-Old Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault For Sex With 18-Year-Old Student

22-Year-Old Teacher Charged With Sexual Assault For Sex With 18-Year-Old Student

Tayler Ivy Boncal is a 22-year-old teacher at Conard High School in West Hartford. She was charged with sexual assault on Thursday. The charge came after there were reports that Boncal was involved with an 18-year-old student, according to the Hartford Courant. The woman was hired as a student teacher back in December, and that is when she met the teen.

According to the newspaper, once Tayler completed her fall student teaching position, she decided to stay on the faculty as an assistant track coach. The 18-year-old told police that the two began texting one another on December 13th after he asked Tayler for her phone number. Authorities note that Boncal would invite the teen over to her house a number of times and the two would have intercourse.
It has been reported that according to police, Boncal has been charged with three counts of second-degree sexual assault. The Hartford Courant reports, “She is accused of engaging in intercourse and oral sex with the student under a statute that prohibits sexual contact between teachers and students in their schools.”
Police have also added that the sexual encounters took place from December 25th to January 11th at the young woman’s home in New Britain. It was reported by Tom Moore, superintendent of West Hartford Schools, that a “concerned parent” tipped off school officials about the alleged relationship. School officials then notified the police.

It’s been reported that both the 18-year-old and the former teacher told police that the student was the one who initiated the relationship. The teen asked for the woman’s number around mid-December. The two started texting on December 13th. Boncal told police that the teen was really kind to her and that she loved him and had serious feelings for him.

According to the Courant, the alleged victim initially denied the relationship to investigators but eventually told them of the encounters. The student told officials that he had lost his cell phone, but the two had been exchanging sexually explicit photos and messages. Though most of this was done via Facebook Messenger. Police noted that the victim refused to provide a written statement.
They continued, noting: “The victim expressed concern for Boncal with regard to the outcome of this investigation.” The Principal of the school, Julio Duarte, notified parents of Boncal’s arrest on Friday, writing a letter to them. Boncal was arraigned on Thursday and has since been released from custody, according to reports. She is set for court on March 1st. The principal noted in his letter, “Whether someone is 21, 41 or 61, the moment they are a part of a school as a student teacher, mentor or coach, they enter into a sacred trust with our students and community.”

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